April 22, 2013

Windows Server 2012 Deployment Guide

Deployment of Windows Server 2012 while providing explanation for various types of deployment options. In Windows Server 2008 and R2, you can choose to install the OS in server core mode. While this was sufficient for some organization, it doesn't have the ability to switch to full GUI mode without a reinstall. In Windows Server 2012, it allows just that—ability to switch to server core and GUI modes seamlessly.

There are a few reasons you may choose to install Windows Server 2012 in server core mode. Server core mode requires less disk space and less vulnerabilities due to this. This means software updates are less in size and less overhead. All this may not difference for a small organization but datacenter with thousands of Windows Server 2012 servers can greatly benefit from this features.

Use below PowerShell commands to switch between server core mode and full GUI mode. Note that these commands will on offline VHD installations also.

Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra –Restart –Source "Windows Update"
Uninstall-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra –Restart

As for those you who want the minimal server interface, you can use Add roles and features wizard to remove unwanted graphical features.

<img src="file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/infotechguyz/WindowsServer2012/Addrolesandfeatureswizardtoremoveunwantedgraphicalfeatures" />


Next step is to create your Server 2012 corporate image for easier and faster deployment. This allow administrations to preinstall Applications, software updates, device drivers and customizations and deploy the image as needed. Microsoft provides Microsoft Deployment Toolkit for help with images creation and Windows Deployment Services role for image deployment.

Obtain required software

  1. Download Microsoft Deployment Toolkit MDT
    Download Microsoft ADK
  2. Obtain Windows Server 2012 ISO or DVD

Reference Image creation process

  1. Install ADK on your computer
  2. Install MDT on your computer
  3. Configure Deployment Share
    1. Launch Deployment workbench from the Start Menu (note: hover mouse over right-top corner to display the START button)
    <img src="file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/infotechguyz/WindowsServer2012/launchdeploymentworkbench" />
    2. RightClick "Deployment Share" and choose "New Deployment Share"
    <img src="file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/infotechguyz/WindowsServer2012/newdeploymentshare" />
  4. Import Operating System
    1. Launch Deployment workbench from the computer
    2. RightClick "Operating Systems" and choose "Import Operating System"
    3. Follow the wizard
  5. Import Drivers and Software updates
    1. To import drivers, use the "Out-of-Box Drivers" option. The drivers need to be in .INF format.
    2. To import packages, use the "Packages" option. Packages must be in .msu or .cab format.
  6. Configure Task Sequences as needed
    This option allows admins to configure custom tasks and customizations that's not out of the box.
  7. Generate ISO and WIM image for reference computer
    1. RightClick on the deployment share and choose "Update Deployment Share". Follow the wizard. This will automatically generate ISO or WIM image required to boot into reference computer. WIM image can be imported in WDS (Windows Deployment Services) Server and allows for PXE boot.
  8. Capture reference image
    1. Use the ISO created in step 7 to boot into the reference computer.
    2. Follow the Capture Image wizard to capture the Image
    <img src="file:///C|/Documents and Settings/Administrator/My Documents/infotechguyz/WindowsServer2012/capturereferenceimage" />

Image Deployment Process

  1. Launch Deployment workbench from the Start Menu
  2. Create a Stand Client Task Sequence for your deployment
  3. Boot the deployment computer using the created ISO.
  4. Then deploy the image

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