February 11, 2010

Google takes aim at Facebook

You have to give Google credit for one thing: It is afraid of nothing.

As it attempts to extend its reach to every facet of the wired world, Google has taken on Microsoft and Apple and virtually every other tech giant.

Its latest target is Facebook, the social networking behemoth that's now around 400 million members and has all but destroyed MySpace.

Google opened a new social hub in its Gmail e-mail service on Tuesday. Called Google Buzz, the service includes many of the features that have turned Facebook into the web's top spot for fraternizing with friends and family, according to multiple media reports.

Like Facebook, Google Buzz will let Gmail users post updates about what they are doing or thinking and share those with the rest of the world or with only a select group of people. Gmail users also will be able to track other people's updates and instantly comment on them for everyone else in the social circle to see.

And, just like Facebook, Google Buzz can serve as a showcase for video, photos and Web links to interesting stories.

The Google Buzz features won't reach all of Gmail's estimated 176 million users worldwide for several more days. A link to the service will appear on the top left of the page, in a prominent position just under Gmail's inbox tab.

An Associated Press story is here.

Yahoo tech blogger Ben Patterson posted his review here.

And David Coursey of PCWorld.com posted his "Tech Inciter" blog review here.

I have to agree with Coursey, who writes that "Since Google is using its new Buzz social network in an attempt to take down Facebook, the #1 social network should return the favor: Facebook should tell Google to buzz-off. Permanently."

"As a Facebook user," he adds, "the last thing I need in my life is another social networking service. I have lots of friends -- business and personal -- on Facebook. It plays an important role in my home and work life. What I don't need is for my friends to start dividing themselves into Facebook users and Buzz users. I want all my friends on just one service."

Absolutely. Any of my friends who try to use Buzz and entice me inot joining them shouldn't waste the effort. One social networking site is enough.

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